I haven’t really gotten used to the idea of a blog. At all. Somehow it feels like inviting everyone to look at the inside of my purse. Which is as messy as my car, only lighter. (For the record, I love the idea of organization. It’s just the long-term commitment that seems a bit much.)
On the topic of organization, I have been spending the last few weeks diligently helping in the marketing of Close, a novel. Tip of the hat to people who do this work on a regular basis. My head may explode. It not only requires orderliness (like keeping track of who has already been contacted) it also demands phone calls to strangers, something I really hate doing because I get tongue-tied and stupid. When my brother, a Maryland state senator, was running for his first term, I was supposed to help his campaign by cold-calling voters in his district. I did it and it was heinous and he still owes me.
I owe people, too.
I have been shown the most incredible generosity by wildly talented and successful authors. They’ve read my book and given it amazing blurbs. They’ve offered to interview me on their blogs and to host book parties. (Which I imagine will probably be like simultaneously cold-calling a roomful of people.) In my own marketing decision I’ve decided to hold back on sharing these blurbs until closer to the October 16th release date of the book. (It seems a tad premature to be thinking Halloween candy before the daffodils even come out.)
That’s it. First blog post finished. It wasn’t so bad…